Volcano Poop

Volcano about to erupt.

“Momma I peed!” my 3 year old Adalyn shouts!

“Don’t forget to wipe!” I call back.

“Now I need to poop!” She says.

“Ok I’ll be there in a minute to help”. I say.

I put my 10-month-old Andrew down by the toys as I walk over to the bathroom to help my daughter wipe.

“I made a pooh nugget!” Ady says.

“Great job Ady”! I help her wipe and watch as she washes her hands. She is such a big girl now!

We sing our song! “I made a nugget… A stinky pooh nugget!” (Sung) It is so funny that joking about making pooh nuggets in the potty was our way of getting her to poop in the big girl potty. One day she just shouted, “I made a pooh nugget!” In Ady’s case, they were nuggets. While getting her to pee on the potty could be a struggle, she never hesitated to poop on the potty! We just sang our pooh nugget song!

I look over at Andrew and see that look. It’s his poop face. Then it happened.  There is so much poop pouring out of his diaper that it is crawling up his back then crumbling over the back of his diaper and dripping down to the floor making a poop pool on the carpet. It happened so fast! It was unbelievable! It was like a volcano that ruptured poop. Except that it wasn’t. It was a butt and ruptured poop all over the carpet!!!! Holy shit!!

You can imagine what this mess was like to clean up. I’ll spare you the details but, I will go on to say that the volcano erupted 2x more that day. This will begin my son’s pipe cleaning and hopefully be the beginning to the end of a very long and painful journey for my little man. Hopefully.

This post is dedicated to all the parents. Mommas especially, who have struggled with reflux and infant constipation.  If you tap in you will find there are so many of us out there. I pray you know that you are not alone.  I may joke about this journey and pooh nuggets and volcanoes erupting but it is my way of dealing and laughing about it all.  I hope you can find laughter through some of this as well.

No more drive thrus!

This is to all the mommas out there with little ones. You know that feeling. You are driving, starving, haven’t had the chance to eat yet for the day. You go through the dreaded fast food/drive through options in your head so you don’t have to go in. You remember the last time you went in to pick up and you were the one with the toddler who spilled the smoothie on the floor as you waited for your food. Now this time you have a new baby in a carrier and a toddler. I think to myself, there is no way I can carry it all. Well today I did it. Instead of a drive through I went to a restaurant that doesn’t have drive thru or carry out and called from my car. I simply asked the employee if she was allowed to bring the momma in the minivan her food rather than me go in and she did! Greatest lunch ever and one happy momma! What a break through! No more drive thrus for this momma! Apparently people do this? She said people do it all the time! I did give her a nice tip.

The above tip is especially helpful when you are hungry and you have little ones sleeping in the car. You get creative. I once went to Chipotle, drove around the parking lot and bought a girl lunch if she would bring me out food. My son was sleeping in the car after a long doctor appointment and I was starving, as I usually was from nursing. I can’t tell you how many places I have called and asked them if I could pay an employee to run my order out. Jimmy Johns, Little Caesar’s and Quiznos are great about this and deserve a little shout out. Chipotle turned me down however. That is a big x against them for a while. Or at least until I get hungry again. HAHA!!

Baby’s First Year! Baby Shower Poem

Baby’s First Year!

A Baby Shower Poem I wrote for a friend on May 12, 2012 after experiencing my daughter’s first year.  

Baby’s first year will go by so fast.  Hold your little one tight because it won’t last.

 Baby (Last Name) will be walking & talking before too long.You will find yourself rhyming or singing her a funny song.

 There will be so many memorable firsts.  Things she will do to make your heart burst.

 Rolling over and cutting teeth. Things she will learn to climb beneath.

 Take pictures as often as you like.  She grows in her sleep and gets bigger over night!

 Holidays will become magical again.  So it’s important she has an outfit for every occasion then.

 First you will celebrate the 4th of July.  Picnics, lots of people, hand sani…oh my!!!

 Halloween and trick or treating comes next.  Please send us all lots of pics via text!

 Baby gets her first bite of mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving.  All she has had is milk so far, so this is finally living!

 Christmas is the best one yet.  Presents & memories you will never forget!

Valentines Day she’ll be dressed in hearts and pink.  She will receive cards from boys sooner than you think!

No more green beer on St. Patty’s Day.  We are grown ups now and you won’t care any way!

By Easter she could be crawling.  If she’s not.. don’t start bawling.

Babies will go at their own pace.  Be patient and always keep a big smile on your face!

Being a mom is the most wonderful thing you will ever do.  Somehow you learn to manage your time more efficiently than you ever knew!

Sleepless nights, crying, and diapers galore.  You will love her more and more.

Her First Birthday will too soon be here.  Her laugh will be the best sound you will ever hear!

Enjoy every moment Mom & Dad, take it all in!  This incredible journey of parenthood is just about to begin!


** This poem was accompanied by a gift basket filled with outfits for each holiday.**