The Christmas Nugget

It was the morning before my 4-year-old’s Christmas concert. It was time to start getting ready to leave.  We had our new puppy Rosie for about 2 1/2 weeks at this point.  We were starting to get a routine but were still learning our new habits as well.  This was a bizarre December for Ohio this year. We have had temps in the 50’s & 60s thus far and nothing more than a few flurries.  It has been perfect for a new puppy.  The kiddos love to throw their coats on for quick trips outside while we take Rosie out.  She had recently been out so when she was standing by the door scratching to go out I knew I had to be quick.  She is starting to tell us if she needs to go out in between her usual let-outs.  I picked up Andrew (my 2 year old) with no shoes on and told Ady come out with me quick.  I threw a hat on Andrew.  Today was in the 60s and since we would be quick, I would forgo the coat just this once I thought.  Ady ran out behind us.  We gave Rosie a minute and she peed twice.  We all headed back to the door when Rosie tugged for one more.  While Ady was walking back up the steps I said, “Wait one sec Ady.”  When she proceeded I headed up to the house behind her with Andrew in arms and puppy on leash. As I approached, the door closes and I hear the “click” of the lock.  At first I remained calm. “Ady can you open the door?” I called. I heard footsteps run away and giggles.  She thought she was being funny.  While knocking, “Ady open the door”.  I am repeating this while remaining calm.  If she knows I am mad she will never come.  No answer and no open door.  Andrew is getting heavy at this point.  He is 28 solid pounds with no shoes may I remind you so I can’t put him down.  I head to the back of the house.  The back stairs are steep.  Our tiny pup cant climb so now I am carrying both pup and Andrew.  I search for the spare key in our secret spot.  Thank goodness we put this here about 4 weeks prior.  I find the key and make my way back in the front door.  Ady is giggling as I enter.  I was a furious sort of mad.  I tell Ady that mommy is very upset and she needs to go to her room so mommy can calm down for a minute.  As Ady walks upstairs and momma catches her breath Rosie drops her pooh nuggets on the hardwood floor.  Momma thought she was on the verge of a meltdown.  It was a mere seconds later Andrew would go on to poop as well.  Its always a pooh pooh palooza in this house.  When momma recomposed Ady and I had a serious talk.  It wasn’t about momma being mad because she locked me out.  It was about the danger of her locking me out and what a big deal this was.  I was clear if this happened again we could not keep puppy. She promised she would never do it again. While I felt horrible for what I threatened, I think/hope/pray she took me seriously. Oh a day in the life of a parent.

Later on, Andrew, Daddy and I watched Ady as the “Star” in her school Christmas program.  I thought about how proud I am of this little lady. She had the biggest smile on her face and waved to us between each song.  While she dressed as a Star she truly was the “Star”.  I wasn’t thinking of how mad she had made me only hours before rather how proud she made us each day.  It only reminds me that while there are tough minutes/hours, there are far more precious moments to be proud of.

I am so proud to be this “star’s” momma.

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